Nuclear Physics

Lund University

Applied nuclear physics

Applied Nuclear Physics research in Lund is mainly performed with two smaller accelerators,. The main research groups are the 14C-group using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and the Nuclear Microprobe group at the Lund Ion Beam Analysis Facility LIBAF, with close technical collaboration and interdisciplinary research programs.

A nuclear microprobe (NMP) is an ion beam analytical system including a small accelerator, probe forming magnetic lenses and an advanced irradiation chamber. It is used for micro- and sub-micro elemental analyses and has many similarities with the electron microprobe (EMP), however the NMP is typically two orders of magnitude more sensitive. Traditionally and still at most laboratories around the world, Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) has been the technique used for applications.

The Single Stage Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (SSAMS) facility for 14C analysis was installed in 2004 at the Department of Geology after successful application involving several research groups, including the Division of Nuclear Physics, at Lund University. The Geology department, with the Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory is responsible for 14C-datings of archaeological and geological material while the The Nuclear Physics Division is responsible for “above modern” applications, involving e.g. medical applications, radioecology and aerosol samples.


Biospheric and Antropogenic Radioactivity (BAR)

Lund Ion Beam Analysis Facility (LIBAF)

Platform for Advanced Detector systems (PAD)


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