Nuclear Physics

Lund University

PAD Projects

Responsible for the lab

Detector lab: Pavel Golubev
Neutron lab: Kevin Fissum

Neutron detector development 
(Nuclear Physics – ESS – Max IV)

A three-part Memorandum of Understanding on a Joint DetectorLaboratory between the Division of Nuclear Physics at Lund University (NP), the MAX IV Laboratory (MAX-Lab) and the Detector Group at the European Spallation Source AB (ESS AB) will be signed during 2011.  An agreement has already been signed for co-financing of a PhD student in Neutron Detection Techniques between NP and ESS AB.

Contact: Kevin Fissum and Hanno Perrey

Detector projects in experimental nuclear physics
(Nuclear Physics, basic science at international accelerator facilities)

Lundium & TASISpec (Decay station for superheavy element studies, GSI and LBNL)

LYCCA (Lund-York-Cologne CAlorimeter, FAIR-NUSTAR & GSI, University of Cologne)


LuSiA (Lund Silicon Array, ANL US or LNL Italy)

Contact: Joakim Cederkäll, Pavel Golubev, Dirk Rudolph, Luis Sarmiento

High resolution Rutherford scattering
(Nuclear Physics, applied)

In a project funded by the Royal Physiographic Society a new facility for material analysis is being installed at the Nuclear Microprobe Accelerator. The facility is based on classical Rutherford Back-Scattering analysis (RBS) but takes advantage of the recently developed double-sided silicon strip detectors for extremely high sensitivity. In a collaboration between the applied and fundamental research groups at the Nuclear Physics division we will work on enhanced detector resolution which is crucial for this application.

Contact: Per Kristiansson, Pavel Golubev

Iridium coincidence spectrometer
(Nuclear Physics – Geology)

In this project we will set up an iridium coincidence spectrometer in Lund with the aim to be significantly better than its predecessor, the Luis W. Alvarez - Iridium Coincidence Spectrometer (LWA-ICS) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The project is a collaboration between the Department of Geology and the Department of Physics and will be part of the Platform for Advanced Detector Systems.

Contact: Per Kristiansson, Birger Schmitz

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